Contents of this readme: 1. Quick Start 2. Quiet Mode 3. Presets 4. History 5. Bugs and feedback 6. Disclaimer Please also read any readme provided with the plug-ins. 1. Quick Start Start Disk Cleaner. Check all items you want to have cleaned. Press 'Clean'. Disk Cleaner will start cleaning and report the results. Press exit when you've read the report. 2. Quiet Mode Disk Cleaner can be run in so called 'Quiet Mode'. This means that Disk Cleaner will run, clean and exit automatically without ever showing a dialog or whatsoever (except when something unusual happens). To specify quiet mode run Disk Cleaner with an extra parameter: '-q' or '/q' (without the quotes). Disk Cleaner will clean all the items you specified the last time in interactive mode (no parameters). Tip: Create a shortcut in the Start-up Folder of the start menu pointing to Disk Cleaner, with as extra parameter '-q'. This will clean all the items selected last time every time the computer starts! Also see the preset part. Disk Cleaner can, at your request, add a shortcut itself at the correct location. Press the configure button in the main window (the 'C') to do so. 3. Presets New in Disk Cleaner 1.4.0a is the possibilty to use presets, in interactive as well as in quiet mode. To create a preset, check all boxes of the items you want to have cleaned. Then press the Save as... button. You will be prompted for a name. Enter a new name for the preset. The preset is saved. To remove a preset select it first and press Remove. You will NOT be asked if you're sure, it is immediately removed. A preset can also be used in quiet mode. Instead of just supplying '/q' as a parameter, use the following syntax: '/q:presetname' (again without the quotes and note the colon). If your preset name contains spaces, pass the parameter enclosed in double quotes, like this: "/q:preset name" (WITH double quotes). If the preset exists, it is used. If it doesn't, Disk Cleaner exits, cleaning nothing. If the colon is forgotten, not the preset but the last setting in interactive mode is used. Since version 1.5.2, you can use the configure dialog box (press the 'C' button in the main screen) to do this and run Disk Cleaner automatically at log-on. 4. History v1.5.7 build 329 Changed and added plug-ins: Made the firefox plug-in to work with 1.5RC2 and 1.5RC3 Opera 8.5 now also supported modified 7zip.dct added alcohol120.dct added googleearth.dct added msantispy.dct modified spybotsnd.dct added spywaredoctor.dct added sunsjava.dct added spysweeper.dct v1.5.6 build 326 Changed link to in About box. added abilityoffice.dct added abiword.dct updated acroread45.dct updated adaware.dct added aoltoolbar.dct added avg7.dct added diskeeper5.dct added foxitreader.dct added juno.dct added lotussmartsuite.dct added msfrontpage.dct added msntoolbar.dct updated msworks.dct added musicmatch.dct added netscapetoolbar.dct added netzero.dct updated openoffice.dct added pakscape.dct added popthis.dct added regcleaner.dct added serifphotoplus.dct added setupfactory.dct added software602.dct added spybotsnd.dct added winamp.dct v1.5.5 build 320 Fixed small bug with active control (should be 'Clean' button, was the 'C'(onfiguration) button.) Further changes: added 7zip.dct added adaware.dct added adopagemill2.dct added CutePDFWriter.dct modified flashget.dct modified massdown.dct added metapad.dct modified msworks.dct modified netcaptor.dct modified officexp2000.dct modified quicktime.dct added swiffplayer.dct added WinImp.dct modified winlog.dct modified zonealarm.dct added drive Image 6.dct added editPad.dct added editPlus2.dct added goldWave.dct added inno Setup.dct added microangelo.dct added nero.dct added openoffice.dct added regedit Recent Key.dct added winAce.dct v1.5.4 build 315 New feature: added the option to hide entries with zero items , which means less clutter on screen since any items meant for software you haven't installed are hidden. This is OFF by default, however. Turn it on by pressing the 'C' button. Then check the box for 'Hide entries when empty'. The setting will take effect the next time Disk Cleaner is run. New plug-ins (thanks to bill9mm@...) for IZArc, Microsoft Works 4.5 and WordPerfect. New plug-in (thanks to Leonardo Lanese Cavalieri) for a forced \Windows\Temp cleaner. On NT, 2000 and XP, the default temp folder is in the 'Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Temp' folder. Some applications do not use this folder, but insist on using '\windows\Temp'. This plug-in clears that folder (or more exactly, it clears '%windir%\Temp'). New plug-in for Quick Time Player. Added Office 2003 to the office plug-in. Added Paint Shop Pro 8 and 9 to the Paint Shop Pro plug-in. Enhanced the cleaning for Real Player Bugfix: On Windows XP (and perhaps 2000), Disk Cleaner shows an error if it is unable to write to the .ini file (i.e. a read-only drive). Win 9x machines do not show this problem. This should be fixed. Bugfix: The feature of removing files on reboot, if they are locked by Windows, could only be turned of temporarily. Disk Cleaner would not remember this setting permanently and turned it on again on the next run. Should be fixed. Bugfix: the start-on-login shortcut link that Disk Cleaner can create automatically did not enclose preset names in quotes (""). When a preset name contains a space, nothing would be cleaned. Should be fixed. Bugfix: When using the right mouse button menu to 'Select All' or to 'Invert selection', the number of bytes selected to clean was not updated. Again, should be fixed. v1.5.3 build 243 Locked files that cannot be deleted when Disk Cleaner was trying are now scheduled to be removed on reboot. If you do not like this behaviour, it can be turned off in the configuration screen (the 'C' button). The right-click pop-up menu for the plug-ins has been extended with a 'Select All' and 'Invert Selection' item. v1.5.2 build 232 Did some small stuff: - added a 'Back' button to get back to the main window after cleaning - This is I believe a huge step forward in user-friendlyness: Disk Cleaner can now install a shortcut in the startup folder itself, to start cleaning when logging in. Disk Cleaner will take care of adding the '/q' at the correct location. Press the new 'C' button to install and remove the shortcut. - Disk Cleaner now adapts more to the current screen font. Most, but not all, items now show their text with the same font as the rest of windows. v1.5.1 build 190 Added new plug-ins to installer. Added /si option to cleaning possibilities. This will remove also the base folder (if empty). v1.5.1 build 186 Fixed bug in preset handling v1.5.1 build 185 Added new type of plug-in, using INI-style text files. See the plug-in folder for examples. Also the ability to change the colors used in Disk Cleaner has been added. Details will follow... *********************************************** v1.4.1 build 61 Got rid of the scrollbars that showed up when using Disk Cleaner under Windows XP. Apparently Windows 9x/ME/2k/NT behave different from XP regarding these scrollbars. v1.4.1 build 47 Changed copyright info to (c)2003 (was 2001), updated web link in About dialog. v1.4.1 build 43 Changed the windows to resizable ones. They will even remember were you left 'm. v1.4.0a: dclean.exe file version 1.4.0 build 41 Disk Cleaner now does not allow saving presets with the names 'dclean' or 'plugins'. This prevents possible errors (see section 'bugs'). dclean.exe file version 1.4.0 build 40: Changed bitmap in about box to 256 color version. Saves 30 kB on uncompressed size. dclean.exe file version 1.4.0 build 39: Added preset support. Changed look to something more modern. Fixed bug causing access violations when there were no plug-ins installed. Improved help system a bit. *********************************************** v1.3.2: DClean file version 1.2.0 build 6 (1.3.2 b version): Upgraded to newer application developing environment. Updated links to new website. Changed some cosmetics in the about window. Changed 'no plugins found' message to something somewhat more friendly, including URL of website. DClean.exe file version 1.1.0, build 2 Just some cosmetics: changed the border style around cleaning items from 'bump' to 'etched'. Changed the term 'files' to 'items' in the checklist, as it more accurately describes them thingies (to my opinion, as i.e. registry entries aren't files). Also, if the size of the items of the same kind is less than 1024 bytes, the total no. of bytes is shown, instead of '0 kB'. Also, when the size > 10 MB, the size is shown in MB instead of kB. When the user now clicks 'Clean', the cursor will change to an hourglass to indicate that Disk Cleaner is busy. Finally, if it should happen that the checklist is too small to show the complete text, an explorer style hint box (those yellow text boxes) appears to tell you what the complete text is. *********************************************** v1.3.1: This is the first time the executables and the plug-ins are separated, to facilitate updating. DClean.exe file version 1.0.0, build 22 Looks like the program didn't run at all under Win95 with the standard shell (v4.70), due to the lack of some functions used by Disk Cleaner (or better, by the standard plugin). This has been fixed. *********************************************** v1.3 : * DClean.exe v1.0.0 build 17: Small bug fixed. Border around check list was drawn incorrectly on machines with non-standard scale screen font. * DClean v1.0.0 build 1: Total re-write of Disk Cleaner. Doesn't look like its predecessors at all. First release of the program in its current form. *********************************************** v1.2 and lower: you really shouldn't care... 5. Bugs and feedback One should not name a preset 'dclean' or 'plugins' as these names are used by Disk Cleaner itself. Using these names may prevent the proper operation of Disk Cleaner (and besides, you should be able to think of something more imaginative) Send your feedback to: disk_cleaner(at)xs4all(dot)nl 6. Disclaimer This software and the accompanying files are presented "AS IS" and without warranties as to performance or merchantability or any other warranties wether expressed or implied.